Find nearby parking spots within a chosen radius of your vehicle’s location.The Parking Stations feature in CUPRA CONNECT helps you find nearby parking through the navigation system or the My CUPRA App. Parking information is accessible during active navigation, making it easy to locate spots in busy areas.
● Safety: Reduces distractions and lowers accident risk.
● Time-Saving: Quickly identifies available parking spots.
● Comprehensive Info: Provides rates, opening hours, and other key details such as available spaces, total capacity, pricing, payment options and height limits.
Availability of CUPRA CONNECT services may vary based on countries, models, their infotainments, production periods and vehicle‘s equipment. You can use the filter to show services availability of the specific CUPRA car.
You can also check the general availability of CUPRA CONNECT services in this tool, but it is for informative purposes only. Content changes are reserved. Some features may be available through software updates. For more information please always contact your CUPRA Service Specialist.