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Care & Maintenance

Care & Maintenance


What type of petrol do CUPRA cars use?

Download your CUPRA car manual for this information because it depends on the engine

What parts are subject to wear and tear?

Moving parts such as tyres, chains and cassettes, but also fixed parts such as brackets or brake pads

What tyres does the CUPRA have?

Download your CUPRA car manual for tire- and wheel-related information

How much tire pressure should I have?

Download your CUPRA car manual for tire- and wheel-related information

What happens when a tire has too much air in it?

When a tire has too much air in it, the pressure is higher than that recommended by the manufacturer, reducing the contact surface with the road. As a result, there is less grip. Wear is more accentuated in the center of the tread

Where can I find the recommended tire pressure data for my model?

The recommended tyre pressure for your model can be found in the owner's manual

What is the correct tire pressure?

The recommended cold tire pressure is in the vehicle manual and on the tire label. Generally, it is 30 psi for a small car, 36 psi for a medium-sized car and 42 psi for a large car

When is it advisable to change the tyres of the vehicle?

Legislation states that a tire must be changed when the tread is less than 1.6 mm 

When should I inflate the tyres?

When is it important to check your tire pressure? Every 4,500 km, so that your vehicle continues to function properly and, therefore, uses fuel more efficiently. Before long trips. When temperature changes of 10 degrees or more occur

What happens if the tire pressure is low?

Low pressure also causes the tire to wear more on the sides and sidewalls, to the point of rendering it totally unusable much sooner than it should. In other words, the tire's service life is shortened and it is necessary to change it, with the added cost that this entails. 

When it rains, what happens to the tire pressure?

Tire pressure. It is also recommended to change to tyres that are suitable for the conditions prevailing in each season, although if you ultimately decide not to change them in the rainy season, you should increase the pressure of your tyres to between 0.4 and 0.7 bars.

What does PSI mean?

PSI in relation to pressure means pounds per square inch. It is one of the most commonly used units of pressure, although it is not the only one: other units are also used, such as bars: 1 bar = 14.5 pounds. 

How much time do you have to pass the ITV after the related deadline?

There is no margin of time for passing a ITV once the deadline has expired. As explained above, from the day the deadline expires, you are subject to a penalty. You must take into account the fact that you can pass a ITV within the 30 calendar days before the deadline

What do I have to do to pass the ITV?

What a person who takes the vehicle for the test will have to do is to identify themselves with their identity card, in addition to handing over the vehicle documentation: registration certificate, technical data sheet, vehicle insurance receipt and, if the vehicle is registered in the name of a company, the corresponding employer identification number (CIF). 

Which license plate numbers will be subject to ITV for the first time in 2023?

License plates that must pass the ITV in 2023 March: license plates from KVB to KVX. April: license plates from KVX to KWT. May: license plates from KWT to KXR. June: license plates from KXR to KYN. 

What happens if my ITV deadline has expired but I have an appointment?

The Road Safety Law is quite clear about this: you cannot drive with an expired ITV even if you have made an appointment. It is illegal and carries a fine of 200 euros (100 euros for prompt payment within 20 calendar days of receiving the fine). 

What happens if I go to a ITV for which the related deadline has expired?

If you have not passed the ITV on time and you are apprehended by the Guardia Civil or the Police, you will have to pay a 200 euro fine. However, as is customary with certain traffic penalties, if you take advantage of the 50% reduction for prompt payment the amount of the fine will not exceed 100 euros

What do they check in a ITV?

Axles, wheels, tyres and suspension. The general condition of the axles and wheels is also checked, as well as whether or not the tyres on the vehicle are those approved for that model. In addition, the suspension components, their fastenings, damage, leaks or protections are checked. 

What happens if I miss the deadline for a ITV?

The amount of the fine is 500 euros, in addition, if it is verified that the deadline elapsed more than two months previously and that you have not rectified the faults identified in the ITV, your card will be sent to the Directorate-General of Traffic (DGT) and the deregistration of your vehicle will be requested. 

What tests are performed in a ITV?

The tyres are checked thoroughly, the tread, that the same tyres are mounted on each axle, their speed code, etc. Brakes and suspensions are also checked and in the pit an inspector will check that there are no leaks, the steering, bushings, the exhaust system, etc. 

What happens if I pass a ITV before the established date?

Summer is a time to relax and enjoy family vacations. But this cannot lead to a delay in passing a ITV, as this would mean putting your life at risk.

When does a ITV deadline expire: on a given day or at the end of a given month?

Many drivers mistakenly believe that a ITV can be passed until the last day of the month. This is not true: a ITV is valid until a specific day of that month. The exact date appears on the vehicle's ITV card, which is an essential document for the inspection.

What happens if I don't pass a ITV the first time?

If your car failed its ITV the first time, you will have one month in which to take a second ITV and you will be able to choose the testing station you want, even one in a different province. 

How long can I drive when the deadline for passing a ITV has expired?

There is no margin. The fine is 200 euros. For reasons of lack of time, laziness or forgetfulness, many drivers have driven on occasion without passing their ITV by the established date. Under the current regulations, if the police stop you, you will be fined 200 euros

How much does it cost to pass a ITV a second time?

To pass the second ITV, you will always have to pay 70% of the fee, even if you pass only a few hours after the first ITV. The second ITV, if passed within two months of the first, is free of charge. If it is passed later, you will have to pay 100% of the fee. 

How can I calculate the maintenance costs of my CUPRA?

You can calculate the cost in the maintenance calculator

How can I find out which version of the manual corresponds to my CUPRA?

You can find the version of the manual that corresponds to your car by selecting your car model here

How can I check the compatibility of my smartphone with my CUPRA?

You can find the compatibility of your smartphone with your CUPRA car here

What documents can I find in the CUPRA Car Manual section?

You can find the car Manual, the Rescue Sheet and the Bluetooth Compatibility. You can access this section by clicking here